Let's get the lead out of water where children learn and play!

Sign the pledge today to show your support for testing for lead in water in Georgia!

"I pledge to help spread the word on the importance of identifying and eliminating lead in water"

By clicking Submit,  I consent to use of my personal information in accordance with RTI's Privacy Policy.

There is no safe level of lead in children's drinking water. 

Testing for lead in water is easy, and if any lead is found, there are actions we can take right now to reduce exposure. 

The Clean Water for Georgia Kids program is a partnership between the Georgia Department of Education, the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, and RTI International, a nonprofit research institute. We are helping schools and child care programs test water and provide recommendations on how to remove lead from drinking and cooking water. The program is free for public schools and licensed child care programs and is funded by a United States Environmental Protection Agency Water Infrastructure Improvement for the Nation (WIIN) grant. 

After you sign the pledge, our Clean Water for Georgia Kids team will email you social media graphics and tips for how to advocate for testing for lead in water with your networks. For more information about the program, visit www.cleanwaterforUSkids.org/Georgia

Lead in Water Facts

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